Plaza de Argilan

Plaza de Argilan


Antes desde Londres y ahora en Vitoria-Gasteiz, Capital Verde de Europa 2012, seven sisters presenta algunas de las noticias culturales, artísticas y sociales más destacadas de la ciudad y alrededores

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

ORLAN, "This is my body, this is my software"

Orlan (St. Etienne 1947), is the only artist who use plastic surgery on her body like a way to express, was invited by the Courtauld Institute in London. Orlan told about the religions images of the women west and east culture. Also, her art work study from a feminist point of view the women body and her reconstruction as a body. Is a personal story that uses a new visual vocabulary. She try to find anothers vocabularies to give new meanings.

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